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Science Pavilion UZH Augmented Reality Window

«I know that I know nothing»: what motivates us researchers

A journes of Discovery through time: 13.8 billion years of worlds history in 24 hours. Find out window by window what a long history our universe has already behind it. So that you can get a feeling for the duration of the individual phases of development, we have converted these difficult to imagine time periods into the 24 hours of a day on earth: 1 hour then corresponds to 575 million years, 1 second to 160,000 years.

Here and now

The journey of discovery continues ...

Through curiosity and the urge to understand the world around us, human knowledge and understanding of the world and the universe continues to grow: We build our knowledge on the discoveries of previous generations, and with every question answered, new, unexpected worlds open up. At the Faculty of Science at the University of Zurich, we research the past, present and future. Some of us look through microscopes, some look through telescopes. Sometimes we explore the world by looking at data in our computers, sometimes by taking measurements in the laboratory and sometimes by doing fieldwork. Research is diverse.

Stay curious, explore the world around you. Start here with the Science Pavilion UZH.